Welcome to DOORWay2Zion.com Doctrine Page

At DOORWay2Zion.com, our doctrine is centered around the teachings of the Holy Trinity - Yahweh, Yeshua, and Sophia. We honor the Geneva Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Apocrypha as the foundation of our beliefs.

Worship Sessions

What are our worship sessions like?

At DOORWay2Zion.org, worship is not just a Sunday activity - it's a lifestyle. Our worship sessions are intimate, personal, and focused on building a deep connection with the Holy Trinity. We believe in worshiping and praising authentically, not for show, but for growth.  We know our Father is highly protective over us, favors us, and blesses us abundantly becaue these are things that are shown.  We believe  it's because we went back to the ancient ways that Lord Yeshua once taught.  It all begins with aligning our mind, body, and spirit.  We will dive into sound frequency healing and specific crystals that work with our energies.  God gave us healing abilities all around us.  All we need to do is ask and the answers are within us. 

How can worship transform lives?

it is the intent behind our actions that matter.  Our free will decision is to wake up daily and first speaking two prayers to Him.  He is the first one we speak to and the last because He is the most important. Look around at how much we have and explain why you wouldn't want to.  Our lifestyle is about appreciating what we have instead of focusing on what we don't.  WE qre the have an attitude of gratitude.  

Community Outreach Programs

At DOORWay2Zion.church, our community outreach programs are guided by the teachings of Yahweh, Yeshua, and Sophia. The purpose of our outreach is to spread love and make everyone feel cherished in a way they have never experienced before.

Join us in living our doctrine every day

Experience the transformative power of authentic teachings and new names. Connect with our community and be part of a family like no other.